The backbone of our little estate is our Tenacious Ten: The tea pluckers and tea makers. They have all been trained in the art of fine tea making and take it in turns to manage and take responsibility for each batch of tea that is produced every day. We produce small quantities of very fine hand rolled tea one kilo at a time, that is sold in restaurants and specialized tea shops in Europe.

Each packet of tea is made from start to finish by an individual woman on the estate who has previously had years of experience simply plucking tea. Here they learn the complex and nuanced art of Artisanal Tea making from plucking through to drying. Ever wanted to learn how Artisanal Tea is produced? Visit our tiny Harry Potter inspired tea factory during your stay and have Karu, our estate manager show you how we make handmade Artisanal Tea. The process involves plucking the tips of the tea bushes (one leaf and one bud) and withering them for up to 24 hours. On the second day they roll the tea by hand in wicker baskets and then after oxidization they are oven-dried and Voila you have a fine light cuppa tea!

If you are staying for a few days why not lend a hand and try making your own tea?  If you enquire in advance we can try to give you a two day course (subject to seasonality) which involves a couple of hours in the morning plucking the tea with our ladies and then rolling your own batch the next morning.  What could be more satisfying than leaving with some very fine tea that you made yourself! The experience is free though you do have to pay for any tea you buy even if you roll it yourself!

We aim to slowly expand our range and currently only produce a few kilos a month of 

Tippy Golden Flowery Orange Pekoe – TGFOP – or as is known in the trade To Good For Ordinary People! For retail enquiries contact giles@ulpotha.com